Gong is freely practiced in at least 57 countries around the world, but
relentlessly persecuted in China. The peaceful courage of practitioners there
has shocked their oppressors and moved the people of the world. While China
continues to block all information, FGMtv brings you the stories you may not
hear anywhere else.
and welcome to FGMtv on July 16th, 2002
Susan Mitchell.
The number of
Falun Gong practitioners verified to have died as a result
of mistreatment by Jiang Zemin's regime is 437. However, sources in China put
the actual number in the thousands.
Our top story
this week:
Chinese media help to promote Falun Gong by reporting on the interruption of
state TV broadcasts.
And some of our other stories:
Chinese wife of a Japanese
practitioner is sentenced to 18 months in a labour camp
610 Office illegal activities in
Harbin City
Paintings inspired by special
sight obtained through practice
A Dafa practitioner from Wuhan is
tortured to blindness and paralysis
Severe flooding in Hunan Province
Zhao Ming thanks the Prime
Minister of Ireland for helping to rescue him from a labour camp in China.
Stranger than fiction: exploding stars and diamonds
in Ontario! Is there a connection?
Chinese media help to promote Falun Gong by reporting on the interruption of
state TV broadcasts.
On July 8 and 9, major media outlets in Mainland China
reported that from June 23 to 30, nine programs on CCTV and 10 provincial
television stations in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, and other places broadcast
some form of Falun Gong truth-clarifying programs.
Although they relentlessly attacked these actions, the
result is that people all over China have focused their attention on this issue
and understand that the practice is still thriving, despite an all-out 3-year
campaign by the government to eradicate it.
According to AFP's report on July 10, Hong Kong police have
joined a probe into the overriding of satellite signals of Chinese
government-run television stations after the government accused Falun Gong of
doing it.
Falun Gong Hong Kong spokesman , Kan Hung-Chang told CNN
that he had no knowledge of Hong Kong-based practitioners being involved in the
alleged satellite interception.
He said, "This could be a smearing campaign by Beijing
to discredit the Falun Gong in the eyes of the world. It is even possible that
the interference in TV broadcasts was done by official technicians -- and then
the blame was put on the Falun Gong."
Wife of a Japanese practitioner sentenced to 18 months' labour:
Agence France Presse, in Beijing reported on July 13th
that Yoko Kaneko, a 37-year-old Chinese Falun Gong practitioner who had
migrated to Japan has been sentenced to 18 months in a labor camp.
Yoko, whose Chinese name is Rong Luo, was arrested in China
after she distributed Falun Gong materials in Beijing.
Her mother, Guizhi Ye, told AFP from her home in northern
China's Heilongjiang province that the family received a notice from police
last saying Kaneko had been sentenced on June 24th. The family has
not been allowed to visit her.
According to one Falun Gong practitioner in Japan, she is
believed to be kept at the Beijing Number 574 Labor Camp.
Yoko's husband, Japanese businessman Atsushi Kaneko has
appealed to the Japanese Foreign Ministry to make every effort for his wife's
release but the Chinese government has not responded.
Practitioners came from all over Japan on the weekend of
July 6th to hold a press conference and solemn parade to raise
awareness of Yoko's plight. At least 7,000 signatures were collected to
petition for her release.
so-called "one country, two systems" laws in Hong Kong and Macao are
facing a serious test.
Practitioners in Macao have reported that a week prior to
the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China, authorities there sent
plainclothes police officers to track and monitor some of the local Falun Dafa
The surveillance was continuous, day and night. In the
morning, while the practitioners did their exercises together, many plainclothes
police officers watched from the side.
At the end of the exercise session, the officers followed
some of them, monitoring them in their homes.
Many Macao practitioners traveled to Hong Kong, preparing to
peacefully appeal during Jiang Zemin's visit, but the majority were
blacklisted, unjustly refused entry by Hong Kong customs, and forced to return
to Macao.
A practitioner from Taiwan had some business to conduct in
Macao, but he was denied entrance at the Macao airport and sent back to Taiwan.
The "one-country, two systems" laws in Hong Kong
and Macao are under tremendous pressure from Beijing.
Before parting, Mr. Ahern accepted a letter, Falun Gong
materials and music that the two presented on behalf of Falun Gong
practitioners in Ireland.
over to Sweden where practitioners have started a 12-day SOS tour´
It will be soon three years since the Chinese government,
headed by Jiang Zemin, began to persecute Falun Gong.
During these three years, Falun Gong practitioners have
shown to the world their peacefulness, their courage, their compassion and
their tolerance.
In order to appeal to the people in Norden, Sweden to help
to end the persecution, practitioners there started a 12-day-SOS tour in front
of the Chinese consulate in Gothenburg on July 10th.
During the countywide standard high school graduation exam,
a school student in Qidong County of Hunan Province answered a question
regarding Falun Gong. He wrote: "Falun Dafa is great" and "The
persecution against Falun Gong is too cruel."
As a result, the Qidong County Education Bureau expelled him
from school depriving him of his right to participate in the nationwide college
entrance examination.
In addition, the Education Bureau launched a countywide
discussion among all school teachers and students, in order to avoid similar
answers appearing in the nationwide college entrance examination.
As a punishment for telling the truth, and contrary to its
responsibility of encouraging freedom of thought and speech, the Qidong County
Education Bureau deprived this student of his right to pursue a higher
We are happy to report that subsequent attempts by the local
610 Office to kidnap this student were unsuccessful.
When four practitioners who live on the fifth floor of a
building refused to open their door, police used a crane to break in through
the window and forcibly take them away.
inspired by special vision obtained through practice´
Many people understand that practicing a
righteous spiritual Way can release special abilities, including being able to
see things in other dimensions.
One non-professional artist has painted
two beautiful women that she saw floating in the air. The first holds a banner
displaying the principles on which Falun Dafa is based: Zhen-Shan-Ren, or
The second smiles sweetly as she scatters
flowers in the air.
onto Wuhan City of Hubei Province where Dafa practitioner Liu Ling was tortured
to the point of total blindness as well as paralysis of his legs, only because
he refused renounce his beliefs.
Initially, he was illegally detained in a mental hospital
where he was tormented for several months.
He was then transferred to Hewan Labor Camp and detained
there for almost a year, during which time, he was severely mistreated.
When his condition seriously deteriorated, he was delivered
to the Xiehe Hospital for emergency treatment so that he would not die in
police custody.
However, twenty-three days later, the hospital discharged
him, because he could not afford to pay his expenses.
Because of his blindness and paralysis, he is unable to work
and his employer has refused to accept any responsibility for his care. In
addition, the relative government departments refused his family's application
for even the minimum amount of social security simply because he practices
Falun Dafa.
Children the world over love to join in activities with
their parents.
Teacher Li Honzhi has said that many high level beings have
come to earth at this time to practice Falun Dafa.
Little ones like this 2 ½ -year-old certainly seem to belong
to that group, because they exhibit intense concentration and a love for the
exercises, the Falun emblem, and the Teacher's photograph.
natural disasters a coincidence? Like the world's great religions, Falun Dafa
practitioners believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished.
From June 13 through June 23, sixty-two cities and counties
in Hunan Province and eight towns in Fengkai County were hit by storms and
flooding affecting almost 10 million people.
People in six hundred and fifty-eight villages were stranded
because of flooded roads and highways.
One hundred and thirteen dams were damaged, and about 2,155
miles of power lines were downed.
It is estimated that direct economic losses total
approximately 279 million US dollars.
Astronomers have been circulating wonderful photos of
exploding stars and new galaxies, taken by the Hubble space telescope.
Young Shanshan said the following: "Some stars, after
exploding, would become pieces of gems or stones and fell into caves that no
one ever goes to, or into a pile of dirt."
In the Toronto Star on Saturday, July 13th, there
was an extensive account of a Prince and Princess who are currently under
investigation by the Ontario Securities Commission for exceeding the allowed
number of investors in a diamond mine venture on their Ontario property.
The princess found an extremely large diamond on their
property. One doesn't normally associate diamond mining with Ontario! Could it
have been a fragment from one of the exploded stars that Shanshan saw fall into
a pile of dirt? Fact is sometimes stranger than fiction!!
Thanks for watching FGMtv, dedicated to breaking through China's information blockade, revealing propaganda, and bringing you the truth of Falun Gong.