MTV: 《思子吟》 Thousands of innocent children have been detained, expelled from school and become orphaned as their parents were tortured to death by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), because they practice Falun Gong and believe in Truth, Compassion and Forbearance. Share and speak out against this cruelty so that this cruelty can end. The persecution portrayed in this story is based on true events. 思子吟(「 营救孤儿」投稿) 月儿圆圆,月光似水, 山河万里共沐银辉, 狱中的妈妈仰望明月, 不知我的小宝贝是否已安睡? 在没有妈妈的日子里莫伤悲, 静心等待那一天, 漫天彩霞飞。 睡吧睡吧,妈妈的小宝贝, 在梦里妈妈与你相依偎, 让我们学做严冬的红梅, 冰雪压不倒,寒霜不能摧。 在没有妈妈的日子里莫伤悲, 静心等待那一天, 漫天彩霞飞。 不要流泪,我的小宝贝, 妈妈信仰真善忍哪有罪? 春暖花要开,妈妈理当归, 那时妈妈和小宝贝团圆相会。 在没有妈妈的日子里莫伤悲, 静心等待那一天, 漫天彩霞飞。 --- 资料来源: 新唐人